Hear Atlanta Council candidates talk about transit & housing!

Candidate forums

This series of candidate forums promises to be an essential resource for finding out where Atlanta’s 2021 City Council candidates stand on crucial urbanism issues like housing and transit. 

ThreadATL is excited to partner with BeltLine Rail Now, Housing Justice League, Neighbors for More Neighbors, Partnership for Southern Equity, and YIMBY Action on this series

Please join us to hear Atlanta candidates’ takes on housing and transportation, two things that end up accounting for more than half the household budget for Atlanta families, and effecting us in many other ways too.

With projections of a population topping 1.2 million by 2040, Atlanta needs three times as many homes as are currently being built, and we need to tackle that challenge with an eye on equity and affordability.

As growth and mobility continue to be critical issues impacting the City of Atlanta, multiple organizations have come together to host a series of candidate forums to educate voters about housing and transportation needs.

Register for the online forums below, and look up your Council district at the MapATL site

Forum dates, times, and registration links


Atlanta’s new BRT route: we have an update, concerns, and a link to a survey


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